Dialogue with India for plebiscite: Kayani

LONDON (PNI) Pakistan’s newly elected Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif’s call for a “peaceful” settlement of the Kashmir dispute has encouraged Kashmiris Islamabad is strongly maintaining its stand on Kashmir, a Kashmiri leader said on saturday .

“Putting Kashmir dispute resolution as pre-requisite for resuming dialogue with India is a welcome step,” said Fahim Kayani, president of Tehreek-e-Kashmir UK diaspora group.

Kayani said any dialogue with India should be held “only on the basis of UN-sanctioned right to self-determination with all parties involved in the negotiations.”

“Pakistan must press India to release Kashmiri political prisoners from jails, create an environment for dialogue as how to process forward to hold plebiscite in Indian Illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIoJK),” said Kayani.

India has abducted the top leadership of All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) and Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front who have been illegally put in Indian jails.

“Unless, the Kashmiri resistance leadership is released from jails, no dialogue with India will achieve any tangible result,” he said.

Kayani said India has used dialogue just for wasting our time.

“For any dialogue between Pakistan and India to succeed, the release and participation of Kashmir resistance leadership in the process is first step towards realizing the dream of Kashmiris,” he said.

Kayani warned India should not take the e kind gesture of Pakistan easily.

“South Asia is a nuclear flash point just because India refuses to end occupation of IIoJK,” Kayani said.

The Tehreek-e-Kashmir UK leader said it was important for Pakistan to continue raising the Kashmir dispute internationally.

“Pakistan must force India to halt demographic changes in IIoJK,” he said.

India has distributed millions of citizenships in IIoJK among non-Kashmiris to change the Muslim-majority identity of the UN-recognized disputed region which amounts to war crimes and genocide.

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