All resources to be utilized to address public issues: Quddus

QUETTA, Nov 30 (APP):Balochistan Chief Minister Mir Abdul Quddus Bizenjo Tuesday said all resources would be utilized to address the public issues and to provide maximum facilities to them.

He was speaking at the floor of Balochistan Assembly which was presided by Acting Speaker Babar Musakhel.
Earlier, MPA Nawab Aslam Raisani, talking on a point of order, said the protection of life and property of the people was the prime responsibility of the government and it would be ensured by improving law and order situation in the province.

In response, the chief minister said the provincial government was working hard for the recovery of the abducted students. “I am in constant contact with the inspector general of police in this regard,” he added.
Meanwhile, MPA Malik Naseer Shahwani and opposition Leader Malik Sikandar said the winter season had come but there was no gas in respective areas of the province.

The Southern Gas general manger said we were facing shortage of gas as it was not available according to our needs.
In response, Quddus said the prime minister had been informed about the shortage of gas in Balochistan.

He also assured to resolve the matter as early as possible.
ANP members tabled a resolution condemning the assassination attempt on Mian Iftikhar Hussain which was passed unanimously by lawmakers.

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