My appearance elevates prestige of EC: Azam Swati

ISLAMABAD, OCT 26 (ONLINE): Railway minister Azam Swati has said appearing by him before Election Commission (EC) has fortified the honor of EC.

“ I am happy I am not appearing in any case of theft or robbery. Law is equal for all. The dignity of the EC has been elevated due to my appearance before it”, he said this while talking to media men here Tuesday.

Swati pleaded that he had appeared for upholding dignity of EC.

He reached EC. On previous hearing EC had issue show cause notice to Swati.

Earlier the EC rejected Azam Swati plea for granting him more time and ordered him to appear before it in person on October 26.

It may be mentioned that Azam Swati during exchange of views on Election amendment act 2021 in the meeting of standing committee on parliamentary affairs had said EC had always remained involved in rigging. Such institutions should be set ablaze.

While grilling EC during the voting process on the proposed amendment in committee Swati had alleged EC took bribery and committed rigging in the elections.

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