116 corona patients under treatment in KTH

PESHAWAR, Sep 11 (APP):A total of 116 corona patients are currently under treatment in Khyber Teaching Hospital (KTH) with a total of 122 beds allotted for corona patients, a spokesman of the hospital Sajjad Ahmad told APP here on Saturday.

He said that Khyber Teaching Hospital has 28 ventilators reserved for corona patients and 25 Corona patients in Khyber Teaching Hospital on intensive care bipolar and ventilators.

He said 60 patients infected with Corona are undergoing treatment at HDU.
He said 31 other corona patients are under treatment on a Low Oxygen.

He also confirmed one person died of corona at Khyber Teaching Hospital in the last 24 hours and eight more Corona patients have been admitted. Only six beds of Corona are left vacant in the hospital.

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