KFM Chief lauds PM Shahbaz’s address to UNGA seeking early peaceful settlement of Kashmir issue

MIRPUR (AJK), Oct 02 :Kashmir Freedom Movement (KFM), Chief Engr. Afzal Ziai lauding Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif’s recent address to the United Nations General Assembly’s (UNGA) session raising early solution of the long-standing issue of Kashmir, has said Pakistan had once again categorically brought the issue to the world’s attention at the world forum.
Talking to media persons here, he said that it was heartening to see the emphasis placed on resolving the issue in line with the United Nations resolutions, which affirmed the right of the Kashmiri people to determine their own future through a free and fair plebiscite. He added that the people of Jammu and Kashmir were deeply committed to the cause of their freedom, dignity comprising their legitimate right to self determination.

The Kashmiri leader said that no doubt Pakistan always advocated Kashmiris case categorically seeking early peaceful solution of the Kashmir issue in line with international norms and commitments primarily under the spirit of the United Nations resolutions on the global issue of Kashmir, such speeches were important in keeping the Kashmir issue alive in international forums and the words of such categorical and principled stance would have to be translated into reality, he urged.
Engr. Afzal Ziai stated that the people of Indian Illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) had endured decades of suffering, displacement, and loss under Indian military occupation. “We need tangible action that reflects the urgency of our struggle for self-determination”, he urged.
“The international community, which has failed to hold India accountable for its human rights violations and reign of state terrorism let loose by the Indian occupational forces against innocent people of the occupied Jammu and Kashmir, bears a significant responsibility to get the Kashmirs rid of the fast deteriorating human rights situation in IIOJK”, the KFM Chief urged calling upon the global powers to must not ignore their moral obligation to stand with oppressed people seeking their rightful freedom. Engr. Ziai maintained that the plight of Kashmir was not merely a bilateral issue between India and Pakistan.

“It is a question of justice, freedom and human dignity that concerns the entire world”, he added. He said that it was imperative that the world supported the Kashmiri people’s demand for self-determination, not as a gesture of favor, but as a matter of principle rooted in international law and commitments under the slirit of the UN resolutions. “The time for the international community to act is now – since people of Jammu Kashmir can no longer wait”, the Kashmiri leader concluded.

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