Dad and twin sons cut enough firewood to fill 80 trucks – donate it all to those who need it most….

Doing good deeds often brings a warm feeling inside, and it’s great to notice those who are truly trying to make the world a nicer place.

Shane McDaniel and his twin sons, Henry and Harrison, are perfect examples of this. When Shane was a kid, he spent a lot of time gathering firewood with his dad, and now he wanted his 21-year-old sons to join him in keeping that tradition alive.

The family lives in Lake Stevens, Washington, and they had a lot of work ahead of them after a big storm hit.

Shane shared, “I had a ton of wood to cut because of storm damage and fallen trees. It just kept piling up. Once it got to be too much, we thought we could do something better with it.”

They brainstormed together and came up with a plan that would not only clear the forest but also assist many others in the process.

McDaniel shared with PEOPLE Magazine, “The Pacific Northwest is a really tough place; it’s chilly and rainy. Once I got started, I realized how much help was needed, and it opened my eyes. A lot of people were stopping by to buy it, so we just began giving it away.”

Overall, the project lasted from March to October 2018, during which Shane, Henry, and Harrison chopped enough firewood to fill an incredible 80 trucks.

Shane took to Facebook to ask for help with collecting. That’s right… they had so much firewood that they didn’t know what to do with it all.


Shane’s post definitely caught a lot of people’s attention. Many were amazed by how generous the family was, and some even offered to help deliver the firewood to those who couldn’t pick it up themselves.

It feels great

“It’s really awesome to see. You can tell there’s a new sense of pride and sharing that they didn’t have before,” Shane mentioned.

“When you do nice things for others, they remember it. I really enjoy helping people.”