In a devastating incident, a 14-year-old boy was among the four victims killed during a mass shooting at Apalachee High School in Winder, Georgia, on September 4, 2024. Before his untimely death, he texted his mother, expressing his fear from inside the school restroom.
Last Communication with His Mother
Ronald Clark, a youth minister and chaplain who was on the scene, revealed that Mason Schermerhorn had texted his mother during the shooting, assuring her that he was hiding in the restroom. His mother, unaware of the tragedy unfolding, believed her son was safe. Clark, who knew the family personally, recounted how the mother asked for his help in locating her son.
“Hey, I can’t find him. I’m just here to pick him up. I know he’s safe. He text me that he’s in the restroom. Can you please help?”
Tragically, Clark later learned from authorities that Schermerhorn was one of the victims who had been killed during the shooting.
A Mother’s Bond and Unbreakable Connection
Clark spoke about the heartbreak of learning about Schermerhorn’s death, especially after having a conversation with his mother just days earlier. She had shared how close she was to her children and how strong their bond was:
“She was saying that the bond and the connection she has with her kids is unbreakable.”
Schermerhorn, who was described as a joyful and loving boy, was autistic, but that did not diminish his vibrant personality. He was well-loved by those around him and had no conflicts with others.
Heartbreaking Final Text Messages
WSB-TV later revealed the chilling messages exchanged between a 14-year-old student and his mother, though it was not confirmed to be Schermerhorn. The student had texted his mother, warning her of the shooting, saying:
“School shooting rn. I’m scared, pls, I’m not joking.”
His mother responded that she was leaving work, to which the boy replied, “I love you.” In a later message, he informed her, “Class. Someone’s dead.”
Sister Speaks Out
Schermerhorn’s sister, Alanna Wallace, spoke about the immense grief she and her family are enduring. She described her brother as a beacon of positivity who brought joy to everyone around him. Wallace also shared the hobbies her brother had recently taken up, such as learning the trumpet, playing video games, and enjoying virtual reality experiences.
“He loved everyone,” Wallace emphasized. “No matter what they had, what disabilities, he loved everyone for them.”
Wallace, who is struggling to cope with the loss, shared how her brother had “big brother energy” despite being the younger sibling. His protective nature and love for his family left an indelible mark on her life.
Coping with the Loss
Surrounded by friends, Wallace is finding solace in the support of her community. Together, they have reminisced about Schermerhorn’s life, finding comfort in shared memories. Despite the immense pain, Wallace is trying to embody her brother’s positivity, which continues to inspire her during this challenging time.
Final Thoughts
As Schermerhorn’s family, friends, and community mourn this devastating loss, we extend our deepest condolences. The tragic event has left a deep scar, and our thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and their families as they seek healing and comfort during this heartbreaking time.